EHC-3 PRFX NexStar 4 Wireless Controls
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Hydraulic Planetary Hoist - Hydraulic boom extension to 15'
SKU 320992003
Product Details
EHC-3² PRFX With NexStar 4 Wireless Control
690 lbs (322 kg)
Stowed Boom Length
7′ 5″ (2.26 m)
Extended Boom Length
15′ (4.57 m)
1′ 8.63″ (.52 m)
2′ (.61 m)
Base Plate Dimensions
13.5″ x 16.75″ (0.34 m x 0.43 m)
Single Line Speed
30 ft/min (9.17 m/min)
Boom Down
23-35 seconds (full stroke of cylinder)
Boom Retract
13-18 seconds (full stroke of cylinder)
12 volt DC, series wound, 1.9 hp hoist motor
62 ft (18.9 m) of 7/32″ (6 mm) 5,600 lb (2540 kg) aircraft quality cable
ANSI B30.5, OSHA 1910.180
*Truck must be equipped with jackleg extending minimum 3' 9" (1.14 m.) from centerline of truck
*8,800 GVWR minimum chassis requirement. (Does not include bodies and accessories)